Orbital Focus - International Spaceflight Facts and Figures
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The Kettering Group

Tyneside, UK
2024 Sep 17
Tuesday, Day 261

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Kettering Group Equipment in Detail:

Elsewhere on the Web:

Contemporary 1966 film of the tracking equipment

Recording Equipment

Tape recording the sound of satellite transmissions was often the means of creating a permanent record of the signal content. In 1967/8 this was complemented by acquisition of the GNT Undulator, a simple but very effective chart recorder that used ticker tape as its recording medium.

Item Purpose Note Currently Residing
Tape Recorder Recording of signals Geoff's personal equipment used at home and at the school

At least three of these (in addition to the Ferrograph) - different examples can be seen on the 'Wonderstuff' album cover and in Sven Grahn's 1979 photographs
Various locations (if any still exist)
Ferrograph Tape Recorder Recording of signals Mono recording

Original purpose was to record metsat signals to play back through decoding equipment

Very expensive when purchased - 95 GBP mid-1960s (equivalent to four figure sum at 2009 prices)

Derek Slater personal property
Part of the Derek Slater collection, passed to British National Space Centre during 2011 and put on open display 2015 December
Great Northern Telegraph Co Ltd Undulator Creation of paper chart for measurement of parameters contained in HF signals Originally on loan from the British Post Office, designed for electric telegraphic signal reception

Modified from original use of ink reservoir to holding felt/fibre tip pen
Geoff Perry Collection, passed to Science Museum, London in 2018.
AEI 8-channel Polygraph Analysing/decoding telemetry from Parus and Tsikada satellites Acquired by Derek Slater from English Electric - the original source may have been a hospital

Used at the school for monitoring signals from Parus and Tsikada

Later passed to Chris Wood who used it to undertake a more-detailed analysis for decoding Parus and Tsikada - the work he did led on to a small, solid state decoder that he used for reading out the transmitted almanacs
Held by Chris Wood family
Pen Recorder and Power Supply Used in conjunction with crystal-controlled VHF receiver to flag when receiver squelch was open during unattended recordings and to record a time signal. It allowed reception times of overnight voice transmissions from Soyuz to be determined. Part of the Derek Slater collection, passed to British National Space Centre during 2011 and put on open display 2015 December
Vitatron UR400 Linear Pen Recorder Reception of voice from Soyuz Proovided timing markers in order to log times of voice occurrence. Part of the Derek Slater collection, passed to British National Space Centre during 2011. Timing aid for the VHF crystal-controlled receiver used to monitor overnight voice transmissions from Soyuz.
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