Orbital Focus - International Spaceflight Facts and Figures
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Launches and Orbital Operations

Tyneside, UK
2025 Feb 19
Wednesday, Day 50

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OneWeb 2021 Mar



Launch used a Soyuz-2 B + Fregat combination. Satellites were released in batches of four with a short firing of the Fregat stage between each. Release times for each batch were 04:17, 04:24, 04:43, 05:02, 05:22, 05:51, 06:00, 06:17 and 06:48 UTC. UTC.

The Fregat engine was then used to cause its own re-entry above the eastern Pacific Ocean.

A detailed entry covering the launch can be found in the zarya.info launch list for 2021.

The Fregat merits an entry in the Space-Track Catalogue because it completed multiple circuits of the Earth. However, recent history suggests it is unlikely to receive one.

Baffin Bay Maritime Navigation Warning

Pacific Ocean Maritime Navigation Warning

Page Date - 2021 Mar 25

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