Orbital Focus - International Spaceflight Facts and Figures
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Mir Space Station

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2025 Feb 19
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Mir Diary - 1998

A Chronology of mission events in orbit and on the ground. Mir existed for fifteen years growing from the original 20 tonne core module to a massive 130+ tonnes.

Date Time (UTC) Event
1998 Jan 23 02:48 Space Shuttle Endeavour launched from Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center on mission STS-89 into orbit of 296 x 306 kilometres at 51.6 degrees inclination with crew consisting of Terrence Wilcutt (commander), Joe Edwards (pilot) and mission specialists James Reilly, Michael Anderson, Bonny Dunbar, Salizhan Sharipov (Russia) and Andrew Thomas
1998 Jan 24 20:14 Endeavour docks with the Orbiter Docking System unit on the front port of KristallKristall - orbit is 378 x 387 kilometres
1998 Jan 29 16:33 Soyuz TM-27 launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome by Soyuz rocket into 188 x 222 kilometre orbit at 51.6 degrees inclination with cosmonauts Talgat Musabevey, Nikolai Budarin and Leopold Eyharts (France) aboard
1998 Jan 29 16:56 Endeavour undocks from Mir carring Wilcutt, Edwards, Reilly, Anderson, Dunbar, Sharipov and Wolf - it performs a flyaround of Mir before departing
1998 Jan 30 12:53 Progress M-37 undocks from Mir
1998 Jan 31 02:36 Wheel stop - Endeavour STS-89 mission is over
1998 Jan 31 17:54 Soyuz TM-27 docks with the rear port of Kvant - orbit is 379 x 385 kilometres
1998 Jan 31 21:28 Endeavour fires its OMS engines to initiate re-entry
1998 Jan 31 22:35 Endeavour lands on the Kennedy Space Center runway
1998 Feb 19 05:52 Soyuz TM-26 undocks from Mir with Solovyov, Vinogradov and Eyharts (France) aboard
1998 Feb 19 08:16 Soyuz TM-26 makes its retro-fire
1998 Feb 19 09:10 Soyuz TM-26 lands
1998 Feb 20 08:48 Soyuz TM-27 undocks from Mir with Musabeyev, Budarin and Thomas aboard
1998 Feb 20 09:32 After Mir has executed a 180 degree rotation, Soyuz TM-27 re-docks with Mir's forward-facing port - orbit is 377 x 385 kilometres
1998 Feb 23 12:32 Progress M-37 docks automatically with the rear port of Kvant for a second time - orbit is 378 x 389 kilometres
1998 Mar 14 22:44 Progress M-38 launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome by Soyuz rocket into 190 x 230 kilometre orbit at 51.6 degrees inclination
1998 Mar 15 19:16 Progress M-37 undocks from Mir
1998 Mar 15 22:14 Progress M-37 fires its retro-rocket to initiate re-entry, and after about 50 minutes it enters the upper atmosphere and burns up as a result of frictional heating
1998 Mar 17 00:31 Progress M-38 docks automatically with the rear port of Kvant - orbit is 376 x 383 kilometres
1998 May 2 Space Shuttle Discovery starts its rollout to the Pad for mission STS-91
1998 May 14 22:12 Progress M-39 launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome by Soyuz rocket into 188 x 220 kilometre orbit at 51.6 degrees inclination
1998 May 15 18:43 Progress M-38 undocks from Mir
1998 May 15 21:39 Progress M-38 fires its retro-rocket to initiate re-entry, and after about 50 minutes it enters the upper atmosphere and burns up as a result of frictional heating
1998 May 16 23:30 Progress M-39 docks automatically with the rear port of Kvant - orbit is 371 x 379 kilometres
1998 Jun 2 22:06 Space Shuttle Discovery launched from Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center on mission STS-89 into orbit of 239 x 327 kilometres at 51.6 degrees inclination with crew consisting of Charles Precourt (commander), Dominic Gorie (pilot) and mission specialists Wend Lawrence, Franklin Chang-Diaz, Janet Kavandi and Valery Ryumin (Russia) - it is the final planned visit of a US Space Suttle to Mir
1998 Jun 4 16:58 Discovery docks with the Orbiter Docking System unit on the front port of KristallKristall - orbit is 370 x 378 kilometres
1998 Jun 8 16:01 Discovery undocks from Mir carring Precourt, Gorie, Chang-Diaz, Lawrence, Kavandi, Ryumin andThomas - it performs a flyaround of Mir before departing
1998 Jun 12 16:51 Discovery fires its OMS engines to initiate re-entry
1998 Jun 12 18:00 Discovery lands on the Kennedy Space Center runway
1998 Jun 12 18:01 Wheel stop - Discovery STS-91 mission is over
1998 Aug 12 09:28 Progress M-39 undocks from Mir in order to clear the Kvant docking port for the upcoming Soyuz TM-28 mission
1998 Aug 13 09:43 Soyuz TM-28 launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome by Soyuz rocket into 177 x 238 kilometre orbit at 51.6 degrees inclination with cosmonauts Gennady Padalka, Sergei Avdeyev and Yuri Baturin aboard
1998 Aug 15 10:56 Soyuz TM-28 docks with the rear port of Kvant - orbit is 364 x 374 kilometres
1998 Aug 25 02:04 Soyuz TM-27 undocks from Mir with Musabayev, Balandin and Baturin aboard
1998 Aug 25 04:31 Soyuz TM-27 makes its retro-fire
1998 Aug 25 05:24 Soyuz TM-27 lands
1998 Aug 27 05:47 Soyuz TM-28 undocks from Mir with Padalka and Avdeyev aboard
1998 Aug 27 06:07 After Mir has executed a 180 degree rotation, Soyuz TM-28 re-docks with Mir's forward-facing port - orbit is 363 x 373 kilometres
1998 Sep 1 05:34 Progress M-39 docks automatically with the rear port of Kvant for a second time - orbit is 362 x 372 kilometres
1998 Oct 25 04:14 Progress M-40 launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome by Soyuz rocket into 190 x 222 kilometre orbit at 51.6 degrees inclination - its cargo includes the The 'Znamya 2.5' space mirror to be deployed ofter separation of Progress M-40 from Mir
1998 Oct 25 23:03 Progress M-39 undocks from Mir for the second time
1998 Oct 27 05:34 Progress M-40 docks automatically with the rear port of Kvant - orbit is 355 x 365 kilometres
1998 Oct 29 03:27 Progress M-39 fires its retro-rocket to initiate re-entryresult of frictional heating
1998 Oct 29 04:14 Progress M-39 enters the upper atmosphere and burns up as a result of frictional heating
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